Ellipsis is proud to announce the creation of its VOD and Film Festival platform netfest.

Our Vision

netfest was born from the idea of bringing the kind of cinema presented in film Festivals to a wider audience. Collaborating with the curators and organisers of international events, netfest seeks to spread a vision of cinema that is both cultured and popular, essentially linked to the places and identity of the festivals, but at the same time, able to speak to a worldwide audience.

Not simply a support to festivals for organising their on-line edition, but the desire to offer spectators a privileged showcase through which to deepen and increase their film culture, alongside those who have made film not only a passion, but a profession.

netfest does not seek to replace live festivals, but to support them and enhance their diffusion. It also does this by creating an information system that helps people become aware of it.

We believe in the strength of this combination:

Thousands of new films for viewers, and hundreds of thousands of new festival audiences.