In the Vatican crypt, the young biologist Adam is working on a secret experiment. He wants to prove in the beginning of time there was a single being that split giving birth to both sexes…
Intoxicated by an ancient alchemical potion that is a powerful drug the young biologist is delirious and dreams he is the reincarnation of Eve who wanders restlessly around night Rome abandoning herself in the arms of perfect strangers…But, as happened with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the delirium becomes uncontrollable.
In the ever shorter hours of lucidity, Adam tries desperately to stop it and summons his assistant Margherita who is secretly in love with him and the theologian Father Benjamin in order to create an antidote even if it has a high degree of toxicity and can be lethal…It is a struggle against time and will the faith of Father Benjamin and the science of Margherita be able to restore the biological boundary that divides human beings into male and female?
Film Gallery
original title
set design
costume design
sound editor
De Serpentis Munere
Roberto Leoni
Francesco Ciccone
Valeria Veneruso, Mauro Bonanni
Sergio Tribastone
Samuela Cirrone
Giovanni Cernicchiaro
Cristiano Nasta
Federico Tummolo